Exclusive Interview: Putin on SCO: 'Together we can achieve something bigger, grander'
In an exclusive interview with Mr. Shen Haixiong, president of China Media Group, Putin touched on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. He said by expanding its members and uniting strong powers, the SCO could influence the world in a positive way.
SHEN HAIXIONG, PRESIDENT CHINA MEDIA GROUP "In just a few days, you will head for Qingdao to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, and also pay a state visit to China. Now, as the SCO embraces more member states, it will need more power and efficiency in execution. So how can we achieve that? "
VLADIMIR PUTIN RUSSIAN PRESIDENT "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization used to be a low-profile organization when it was first established. It was primarily aimed at solving border issues between China, Russia and the former Soviet Union members.
As I mentioned, our objective was quite small. But as we worked together on these small issues, we found similarities between us. We realized that together we could achieve something bigger, grander, other than solving border issues.
The SCO has developed. Obviously, it has become a more global organization after India and Pakistan officially joined the group. In fact, the SCO member states account for one-fourth of the world's GDP, 43 percent of the international population and 23 percent of global territory. These are very substantial and huge resources. Plus, we have seen Asia's economic growth accelerated, especially with China and India making big strides forward. Russia will also provide momentum for new growth to keep up the pace. In addition, there's our military potential. Of course, we are not raising rivalries against anyone. This is simply a necessary condition to ensure multilateral cooperation between the member states and other countries, no matter which continent these countries are on.
Uniting these strong powers will undoubtedly become an important factor for our development, and one that could influence the world, in a positive way, I believe."