Post-Summit Singapore: What's next for the city-state
Life in Singapore is gradually returning to normal following the high profile Trump-Kim Summit. CGTN's Sean Callebs reports on what's next for the city-state.  
In many ways it was an international coming out party. Singapore - a city state of roughly 5.6-million people - was at the top of the "news of the day" around the world. Its massive ports. Delicious food. Clean, and efficiently run.
DONALD TRUMP US PRESIDENT "This is a country of profound grace and beauty."
SONG SENG WUN DIR. PRIVATE BANKING, SINGAPORE "I think the branding name of Singapore remains intact, in that, very quickly it is able to organize extremely high-level event - that requires extreme security assurances."
Song Seng Wun, - has worked in the banking sector in Singapore close to 30 years. He says high profile events, such as the summit, - can only help the city-state. Much of its income, is based on geography - and having the second busiest port in the world. With two-thirds of the economy revolving around the service industry.
SEAN CALLEBS SINGAPORE "With thousands of journalists here this week, it has been well chronicled that Singapore paid 20-million dollars for costs associated with the summit. And what did it get in return? Something that is hard to put a value on."
SONG SENG WUN DIR. PRIVATE BANKING, SINGAPORE "So, that kind of branding is invaluable. Anyone who hasn't heard of Singapore - and that was many, who thought Singapore was part of Malaysia, or China - say Oops, ok - it is a small city state, I know what that is now."
Hopefully, legions of journalists got a chance to try the multi-cultural dishes at one of the many hawker centers - where stalls are set up, for tasty, low-cost meals. And, at any given time - there are one-million tourists in Singapore, many taking in the image of the Merlion. Half lion - half fish, the national icon.
TOURIST "But Singapore's financial success is relatively young - cropping up in the past half-century. Time was, this was a dirt-poor country - with the bay jammed full of tiny wooden boats, selling goods."
In part by coming here, -team Trump is trying to convince Pyongyang that, the poor, - isolated DPRK COULD evolve into a Singapore.
SONG SENG WUN DIR. PRIVATE BANKING, SINGAPORE "I think Singapore does help to show them - if you can do things properly - transparent, honest government, with consistency for the long-run, you can do this as well."
It's a tall order - that would take a generation or more and a massive change in direction for Pyongyang's government. But, among the winners this week - is Singapore. A tiny shining speck of a city-nation on the ocean, that many believe elevated its status under the brightest - of the bright lights. Sean Callebs, CGTN Singapore.