US Embassy in Jerusalem: US Embassy in Israel relocates to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv
The United States officially moved its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Monday. The move has prompted criticism, a diplomatic boycott and sparked outrage among Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza. Over 50 Palestinians were killed by Israeli army fire during widespread protests. CGTN's Stephanie Freid is in Jerusalem with this update.  
IVANKA TRUMP ADVISER TO US PRESIDENT "We welcome you to the United States Embassy of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel."
Months of preparation led to this moment. The main figure behind the highly charged US embassy relocation did not attend the ceremony in person but he did deliver a message.
DONALD TRUMP US PRESIDENT "Israel's capital is Jerusalem."
Diplomats from fifty-three countries boycotted the ceremony on political grounds - among them: Germany, Russia, Australia and Ireland. International leaders overwhelmingly favor Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations as a conduit for deciding Jerusalem's status. Israelis overwhelmingly support the move.
JERUSALEM RESIDENT "It's good that Trump is in position. Now there is somebody that guards our region. Our crazy and unstable region."
But the Israeli occupied West Bank and blockaded Gaza Strip were anything but stable Monday as tens of thousands of outraged Palestinians demonstrated against the relocation. The Palestinian death toll from Israel army fire was reportedly in the dozens hours before the ceremony got underway Protests are scheduled to continue for the coming days - the casualty toll is expected to continue rising.
STEPHANIE FREID JERUSALEM "Was the embassy move decision a good one? Israel's leaders say Jerusalem was always Israel's capital - relocating the embassy is a formality. And regarding leaders: the embassy gesture guarantees Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu a spot in the book pages of history, but at what cost Palestinians are watching hopes of independent statehood slip away. And when there's nothing left to gain, there's also nothing left to lose. STEPHANIE FREID, CGTN, JERUSALEM."