Opinion: New era and new global governance
Guest commentary by Liu Zhiqin
China has entered a “new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics," as Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, stated in his report at the 19th CPC Party Congress in October. 
In this “new era," the CPC and China as a whole will uphold a new strategy to develop its economy and follow a new road to conduct global governance. 
Photo taken on Aug. 31, 2017 shows a logo sculpture of the ninth BRICS Summit at Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province. /Xinhua Photo

Photo taken on Aug. 31, 2017 shows a logo sculpture of the ninth BRICS Summit at Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province. /Xinhua Photo

The world is gradually heading towards prosperity but is still not at peace. The uncertainties and conflicts are challenging the wisdom and unity of the global community. However, if we can introduce effective measures to govern world affairs, we can be assured of some quality time to achieve peaceful development.  

The old types

Over the past 50 years, when we were still in the "old era," there were two types of "global governance”: one was American style, the other was Soviet. Both had similarities: their endgame was to control the people and the countries they were targeting with "aid" and both used the same measures to push their actions, by sending in tanks and military forces "hijacked" by the so-called "weapon of value" to conquer and rule those countries. 
This “old-type of governance" was evidence of their shortcomings due to their lack of understanding and basic respect for the core interests of the local people.  
/CGTN Photo‍

/CGTN Photo‍

The whole world is now waiting for a new type of governance with fresh and innovative characteristics. This is where China is stepping in – it’s comfortable in the global spotlight and is ready to be a leader in this next important phase. China is the only country that has the capabilities to take on such a mission. 

What’s new?

China has already shown what’s needed: openness and inclusiveness, people-to-people connections based on win/win plus, and major contributions by all the concerned parties. 
There should be no transfer of political value or military threat as in the "old era," and this should be replaced by a philosophy of "being a friend plus". 
We need to develop together, undertake our difficulties together and enjoy all of the world’s benefits together. Every country and all people should be equal and demand the same respect, whether they reside in big or small, strong or weak economies. 
China's new global governance model is like a “free-trade zone” – all members have the same advantages to do business and enjoy the favorable conditions. This was never possible during the “old era” under the American or Soviet styles. 
What China offers is a revolutionary step and can be a great contribution to the current world order. This new era brings new ideas, provides new philosophies for development and new concepts for the “common shared future of mankind.” This is not only a mission but a real commitment from China and the CPC for the benefit of future generations. China must do its utmost to meet all its demands and challenges, to show its great character, as well as its culture and people. 
(The author is a senior fellow and academic member of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies and Global Governance, Renmin University. The article reflects the author’s opinion, not necessarily the views of CGTN.)