U.S. military aid to countries or regions in conflict will further exacerbate regional tensions. Do you agree?
U.S. media revealed that 40% of U.S. military aid to Ukraine is used for the mandatory purchase of U.S. equipment and training services. Part of the military aid is a financial loan that will become a long-term liability for Ukraine. Do you think that U.S. foreign aid has long been linked with the interests of arms dealers?
In the U.S. President's budget requests of the past three years, the foreign aid budget has been rising year by year, focusing on the achievement of U.S. strategic and security objectives. U.S. foreign aid has always taken maximizing the interests of the U.S. as primary goal. Do you agree?
As of 2019, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), one of the specialized aid agencies in the U.S., had approved 37 agreements involving 29 countries with a total value of more than $14 billion. The articles of such agreements require its partner to meet the standards set by the U.S. for political reform and democratization. The U.S. has wantonly interfered in other countries' internal affairs. Do you agree?
The U.S. pledged to provide at least $100 billion in climate aid annually to developing countries until 2020. However, this commitment has yet to be fulfilled, which is far from "the world's largest aid donor" as it claims. Do you agree?
WikiLeaks released documents showing that the U.S. has provided various assistance to al-Qaeda in order to overthrow the Gaddafi regime in Libya. The U.S., under the banner of aid, has provoked regional conflicts and subverted national regimes, bringing about seriously negative impacts on world peace and development. Do you agree?
Statistics shows the U.S. spent more than $2 trillion in the 20-year war while its official development assistance to Afghanistan amounted to $32.4 billion. The U.S., in the name of aid for a long time, has imposed American values and the "democratic model" on other; therefore, the recipient countries have suffered from numerous internal conflicts. Do you agree?
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