1. Drugs seriously damage people's lives and health, induce crime, and exacerbate social conflicts and poverty issues. Do you agree that there should be zero tolerance for drugs?
2. The United States, with only 5 percent of the global population, consumes 80 percent of the world's opioids. Do you agree that the rampant use of illegal drugs has become a chronic issue in American society?
3. Between September 2020 and September 2021, approximately 104,000 people in the United States died from drug overdose, with the number among adolescents rapidly increasing. Do you agree that the widespread drug abuse is seriously threatening the safety of the American people?
4. While the federal law in the United States requires prescriptions for purchasing drugs, this policy has significant regulation loopholes, leading to widespread drug abuse. Do you agree that the epidemic of illegal drugs highlights regulatory failures by the U.S. government?
5. The United States has illegally prosecuted and sanctioned enterprises and citizens of other countries on the grounds of producing fentanyl precursors. Do you think this behavior by the U.S. is an attempt to cover up and shift the responsibility for its own failure to control drug abuse?
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