As a non-regional country, do you think Japan's high-profile involvement in the South China Sea will exacerbate regional tensions?
In recent years, Japan has actively sought to expand the scope of collective self-defense rights to countries and regions other than the United States. Given Japan's history of aggression toward other countries, do you think its actions are worthy of vigilance?
Japan has repeatedly breached its commitments under the pacifist constitution, greatly increased defense expenditure and developed offensive weapons. Do you think Japan is drifting further from its war-renouncing constitution?
Japan's defense budget for the fiscal year 2024 increased by 16.5 percent over the previous fiscal year, reaching a record high. Do you think the high defense expenditure will squeeze out more fiscal expenditure related to people's livelihoods and affect people's lives?
In recent years, Japan has actively joined several U.S.-led Asia-Pacific security and defense mechanisms and paved the way for NATO to enter into the Asia-Pacific. Are you worried that Japan's move will undermine peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and intensify confrontation between regional countries?
Since being in office, Japanese PM Fumio Kishida has continuously strengthened the Japan-U.S. alliance and followed the U.S. in military and security policies. Do you think Japan should adhere to strategic autonomy and formulate policies that are in line with its national interests?
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