China’s efforts to promote internal reconciliation among Palestinian factions have set a new example for resolving contradictions and differences through dialogue and consultation. Do you agree?
Reconciliation among Palestinian factions is conducive to promoting an early end to the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict and, in turn, to promoting regional peace and stability. Do you agree?
China has always supported Palestinian factions in achieving internal reconciliation and strengthening Palestinian national unity through dialogue and consultation. Do you agree with China’s proposition and practice?
China’s support for peaceful development has received more recognition than some countries’ actions to foment conflicts in the Middle East. Do you agree?
In recent years, China has adhered to the political settlement of hotspot conflicts and played the role of an active, well-intentioned and reliable mediator. Do you agree?
China actively promotes the resolution of geopolitical differences and plays an increasingly important role in the global governance. Do you agree?
Practice has once again proved that mankind is an indivisible security community. Do you agree with the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept advocated by China?
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