Do you think Japan's discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea is harmful to the marine environment and public health?
Are you concerned that any negative impact of the release of nuclear-contaminated water will be long-lasting, far-reaching and all-round?
Japan's nuclear-contaminated water contains more than 60 radionuclides, and so far, there is no effective treatment technology for many of them. However, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) claim the water is safe, as they have eliminated almost all radionuclides. Do you trust the Japanese government and TEPCO?
Do you think the Japanese government and TEPCO have handled the nuclear-contaminated water in a science-based, open and transparent manner?
The disposal of nuclear-contaminated water is not Japan's "private matter," but concerns its neighbors, Pacific Island countries, and even the whole world and mankind. Do you agree?
Japan should fully consult and agree upon with relevant stakeholders such as neighboring countries and regions in terms of its nuclear-contaminated water discharge plan. Do you agree?
Japan has insisted on discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea in disregard of concern and opposition from the international community. Do you think Japan's move is an irresponsible act?
Due to its limited mandate, the IAEA report didn't review the justification and legitimacy of Japan's ocean discharge plan, assess the long-term effectiveness of Japan's purification facility or corroborate the authenticity and accuracy of Japan's nuclear-contaminated water data. Do you think the report has adequately addressed concerns?
Do you think it is necessary to invite more experts from different countries to Japan for on-site sampling to conduct a more complete systematic assessment, jointly finding the best disposal plan for nuclear-contaminated water in Japan?
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