Do you believe that BRICS, as a multilateral cooperation mechanism comprised of countries with emerging economies, can contribute more significantly to the global economy's recovery?
The BRICS cooperation mechanism represents the interests of a vast number of developing countries. Do you think there is a need for greater attention to the perspectives of developing countries in the global governance process?
At present, a number of countries have applied to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism, demonstrating its inclusiveness, flexibility and practicality as a multilateral cooperation mechanism. Do you agree that global governance should embrace true multilateralism with mutual benefits and openness?
The BRICS cooperation mechanism goes beyond the five BRICS countries. The future of BRICS is closely interconnected with the prospects of emerging markets and developing countries. Do you agree?
As the world's largest developing country, China has provided experiences and opportunities for emerging economies to achieve modernization. Do you agree?
Do you anticipate that the collaboration among BRICS countries will contribute to the establishment of a new international order?
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