Warning: Coronavirus may spread further as Chinese get back to work

Warning: Coronavirus may spread further as Chinese get back to work

The novel coronavirus came at a bad time for China. January and February are the two months for the world's largest human migration, the "chunyun," or Spring Festival travel rush.

Most Chinese work outside their hometown – hundreds of millions of them – and return home to reunite with family members during the Spring Festival. 

The travel rush usually happens before and after the festival – they go home and then back to work. The direction of movement are largely between big cities and small towns, since the urban areas offer better job opportunities.

Unfortunately, the source of the coronavirus – Wuhan – is one of the most connected cities in China, if not the most. The city hosts more than 14 million people, about five million of them traveled outside around the time of the coronavirus outbreak.

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Warning: Coronavirus may spread further as Chinese get back to work