2020.06.05 13:05 GMT+8

World Environment Day: Celebrate biodiversity

Updated 2020.06.05 13:05 GMT+8

World Environment Day falls on Friday and is a reminder of the importance of protecting mother nature. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. 

The theme this year is "celebrate biodiversity." When we pollute the environment for economic growth, we not only put the water we drink and the air we breathe in jeopardy, but also our shared habitat with all wildlife. Biodiversity relies on the healthy environment. It's our responsibility to retain its natural beauty.

Green algae blooms are seen at the Port Mayaca Lock and Dam on Lake Okeechobee on July 10, 2018 in Port Mayaca, Florida, the United States. /VCG

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon well swirls in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, May 6, 2010. /VCG

Marine litter float near the Gaya Island in Malaysia. /VCG

Severe wind storms in the west of New South Wales in Australia have blown a dust cloud that has engulfed Sydney and surrounding areas, September 23, 2009. /VCG

A heavy monsoon rain water and industrial chemicals paralyzed the streets of Old Dhaka in Bangladesh, July 11, 2017. /VCG

A man takes a selfie besides a bridge along a large amount of toxic industrial waste-foam formed along the banks of polluted Yamuna River, on December 2, 2018 in New Delhi, India. /VCG

Heavy fog and smog cover Sarajevo as air pollution reaches a "very unhealthy" level, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 3, 2018. /VCG

Man wearing a gas mask walks in central Moscow, August 8, 2010. /VCG

The Laysan Albatrosses nesting on Midway Atoll in the north Pacific mistake the floating plastic for food and bring it back for their chicks who die eating it. /VCG

For more:

The world needs a 'green restart' as it eases lockdown

(Cover image via VCG, designed by CGTN's Chen Yuyang)

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