China calls for respect for Syria's sovereignty, territorial integrity

A Chinese envoy Wednesday called for respecting Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity and called on the countries concerned to lift their unilateral coercive measures against Syria without delay.

Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, made the remarks at the UN Security Council Briefing on Syria.

Noting that Türkiye has repeatedly pounded northern Syria with airstrikes and artillery shelling, and continues to threaten to launch ground actions, and Israel has frequently attacked targets within the Syrian territory, Geng said the security situation in Syria has been turbulent.

Syria is a sovereign state, he said, adding that any military operations on its soil without the consent of the Syrian Government, whatever the pretext, would constitute a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"We call on Türkiye and Israel to immediately cease cross-border attacks, and find solutions through dialogue and consultation," Geng said.

Proper settlement of the Syrian issue, at the end of the day, can only be achieved through political means, he said.

The sooner a political solution materializes, the earlier the people will be relieved from their suffering, he added.

Geng said Resolution 2254 represents international consensus on the Syrian political process, and must be fully implemented.

He urged the international community to advance cross-line aid and prioritize the assurances of supplies and funding for cross-line aid, with close coordination with all parties.

"Early recovery projects will help cultivate on autogenous drivers for Syria's development," he said, urging all donors to put the well-being of the entire Syrian population first, provide sufficient financial support with no strings attached to early recovery projects, and ensure even-handed delivery across Syria.

Explosive remnants of war have taken a heavy toll on the normal life and work of the Syrian people, he said, calling for incorporating the relevant operations into the early recovery program without delay.

(Cover: Fighters affiliated with the third corps of the Turkish-backed "Syrian National Army" man a turret in Aleppo, Syria, November 29, 2022. /CFP)

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