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In the natural world, there are some species that have "rabbit" in their Chinese names but aren't really rabbits. In this episode, we talk about "sea rabbit" and Medusa snowrabbiten
About the 'Hopping into Tunian' series:
Can rabbits drink water? Should you pull a rabbit's ears? What are the world's largest and smallest rabbit species? 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, or Tunian, on the Chinese lunar calendar. For Spring Festival, we at CGTN Nature are presenting a new series, "Hopping into Tunian," to share funny stories about our buck-toothed buddies.
For more:
Hopping into Tunian: China: Hares, yes. Rabbits, no.
Hopping into Tunian: Why is the rabbit in the Chinese zodiac?
Hopping into Tunian: Legend has it that rabbits are...
Hopping into Tunian: Is water life-threatening to rabbits?
Hopping into Tunian: Never hold a rabbit by its ears
Hopping into Tunian: A rabbit's tail is not a pom-pom
Hopping into Tunian: Meet the world's biggest and smallest bunnies!
Hopping into Tunian: Meet the world's fluffiest rabbit
(Video edited by CGTN's Yu Rong)
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