Hanma Series | Episode 10: Spotted capercaillie

A male spotted capercaillie is making mating calls deep in the forest of Greater and Lesser Hinggan Mountains in northern China. The male bird stands tall and proud with deep ebony plumage and a red wattle surrounding each eye. The tail feathers are fanning out in an attempt to attract females. So any luck for the bird? Watch this episode to find out.

About 'Journeys in Nature': Hanma Series

Hanma Natural Reserve, with its high biodiversity, is important not only for the protection of rare wild animals and plants, but also as the main birthplace of the Heilongjiang River's upper reaches. In this series, we delve into the natural environment of northeast China, exploring unusual scenery as well as its stories.

For more: 

Hanma Series | Episode 1: Herald of autumn

Hanma Series | Episode 2: Fallen trees on ice

Hanma Series | Episode 3: The interdependence

Hanma Series | Episode 4: Land of reindeer

Hanma Series | Episode 5: Beasts of Hanma

Hanma Series | Episode 6: Home in Hanma

Hanma Series | Episode 7: Tracking moose

Hanma Series | Episode 8: Pristine shade

Hanma Series | Episode 9: Tranquil waters

(Cover image a screenshot)

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