Mainland vows no room for 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities

Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office on Friday stressed that there will be no room for "Taiwan independence" separatist activities in any form.

"We will never leave room for 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities in any form, and will definitely take resolute measures to defeat any foreign interference or separatist attempts for 'Taiwan independence' in any form, and safeguard our national sovereignty and territorial integrity," said Zhu, regarding Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" trip through the United States.

Zhu noted that "complete reunification of our country must be realized, and it can, without doubt, be realized."

The spokesperson also called on the U.S. side to prudently handle Taiwan-related issues and abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiques.

The mainland has repeatedly warned against and protested Tsai's U.S. "transit" trip during which a meeting between Tsai and U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the third highest-ranking official of the U.S. government, was held. Tsai landed back in Taiwan on Friday night. 

"Tsai's acts during the trip showed that 'transit' was merely an excuse, and it was instead another provocation to seek independence by soliciting U.S. support," Zhu said on Friday.

Over a period of time, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities in Taiwan have been continuously challenging the one-China principle and willingly acting as a pawn for the United States' anti-China agenda to seek their own political benefits, Zhu said.

They have peddled "Taiwan independence" claims in the international arena and betrayed the interests of the people in Taiwan by cooperating with the decoupling schemes of the United States. They have also intensified their courting and infiltration of the U.S. Congress, squandering Taiwan people's hard-earned money on arms purchases from the U.S.

These acts will eventually push the island into a perilous situation under the shadow of war, bringing grave disaster to compatriots on the island, Zhu added.  

(With input from Xinhua)

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