2023.07.13 20:30 GMT+8

Cut food waste to cut carbon emissions

Updated 2023.07.14 19:24 GMT+8

July 10 to 16 is China's National Low-Carbon Week, which aims to strengthen public awareness of climate change and promote green and low-carbon lifestyles. On this occasion, let's focus on food waste, one of the biggest carbon polluters you may not have noticed.

Each year, one-third of all food produced in the world for human consumption never reaches consumers' tables, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Global food loss and waste generate about 8 percent of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, which means the contribution of food wastage emissions to global warming is almost equivalent (87 percent) to global road transport emissions. 

If food waste were a country, it would be the third-largest emitting country in the world.

For some individuals, eating everything on one's plate is an effective solution. But is there any good solution for enterprises and manufacturers?

Jackie Suggitt, capital, innovation and engagement director at ReFED, a U.S. non-governmental organization dedicated to reducing food waste through data-driven solutions, shared her views. Click on the video for more.

About CGTN Nature's One Minute With series

CGTN Nature talks to experts from across the world about life-changing environmental issues, such as climate change, plastic pollution and biodiversity loss and hears about possible solutions. In One Minute With, we condense the interview highlights into short videos to get to the heart of the argument fast. For in-depth discussions on each topic, stay tuned for our Environment Buzzword series!

For more:

Environment Buzzword 2022: Food waste is not just about food

(Cover image designed by CGTN's Du Chenxin and Zhu Shangfan)

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