2023.08.16 10:46 GMT+8

Unexplored Land Ep. 5: Trumpet blows for Deer King Contest

Updated 2023.08.16 14:16 GMT+8

The annual Deer King Contest started in early summer in the wetlands in east China. Black Rider, a five-year-old male Milu deer, has qualified to compete with other males for the right to mate. He desperately needs a victory to prove himself. A fierce battle is about to break the peace.

About 'Journeys in Nature': Unexplored Land

"Unexplored Land" travels from the Qinling Mountains in northwest China's Shaanxi Province to southwest China's Yunnan Province, from the Changbai Mountains in northeast China to Jiangsu Province in east China. The stories offer an insight into the life of many unique species in China. A huge quantity of priceless footage was obtained through many hours of patient waiting and tracking in the field. Stay tuned!

For more:

Unexplored Land Ep1: The 10-Million-Year-Old Migration

Unexplored Land Ep2: This monkey with crimson lips is a highland star

Unexplored Land Ep. 3: Here comes the 'queen of the rainforest'

Unexplored Land Ep. 4: The harmony in competition

(Cover image is a video screenshot; video shot by the CGTN Nature film crew)

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