Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city
Unexplored Land: Stories of nature in a bustling city

As an international metropolis, Hong Kong is more than just a bustling city. With more than 200 islands and 70 percent forest coverage, it is an ecological paradise for a variety of wildlife. There are many fascinating stories about the animal inhabitants there. A young black-faced spoonbill flew here from the Liaodong Peninsula for the winter and made a good friend, an egret, to go on an adventure with. A Romer's tree frog, the smallest tree frog in China, kept eating to grow up faster. An eagle invaded the monkeys' territory, and there was a fierce fight. Watch the sixth episode of the Unexplored Land series: Unexplored Land Ep. 6: Amazing creatures in bustling Hong Kong.

About 'Journeys in Nature': Unexplored Land

"Unexplored Land" travels from the Qinling Mountains in northwest China's Shaanxi Province to southwest China's Yunnan Province, from the Changbai Mountains in northeast China to Jiangsu Province in east China. The stories offer an insight into the lives of many unique species in China. A huge quantity of priceless footage was obtained through many hours of patient waiting and tracking in the field. Stay tuned!

(All images by CGTN filming crew)

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