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Copyright © 2024 CGTN. 京ICP备20000184号
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A file photo shows people purchasing a television set from the Xidan Department Store in Beijing, China, in 1981. /CFP
November 21 marks the 28th "World Television Day," a milestone established by the United Nations. Television, celebrated as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, has profoundly transformed our lives.
Whether conveying major news, capturing events, or presenting captivating TV series, television has evolved into the window through which people enrich themselves and understand the world. It enables us to stay informed without leaving our homes, providing numerous moments of joy and unforgettable memories.
To promote the development of the global media industry, guide the television industry to play an active role in promoting world peace and aid the advancement of human society, on December 18, 1996, the United Nations designated November 21 as World Television Day.
The connection between television and the Chinese people dates back to 1958 when the Tianjin Video Factory pioneered the invention of the first black-and-white television. Subsequent milestones, including the production of the first color television in 1970, and the establishment of China’s first color television production line in 1980, underscore the integral role television has played in shaping China’s cultural landscape.
A file photo shows a TV produced by the Tianjin Radio Factory. /CFP
A recent milestone occurred on October 1, 2018, when the China Media Group (CMG) launched its 4K high-definition channel, enhancing the viewing experience to meet the growing demand for high-quality cultural products.
The introduction of CMG's 8K channel on January 24, 2022, marked another significant stride. During the Beijing Winter Olympics, the CCTV-8K Ultra HD channel became accessible to cable television networks in Beijing and Guangdong, simultaneously broadcasting on hundreds of ultra-high-definition screens nationwide. This allowed audiences to become immersed in the vibrant and colorful spectacle of the Olympics presented via 8K technology.
Despite the increasing prevalence of consumer electronics like computers and smartphones, televisions have not been supplanted. To this day, they remain an indispensable household appliance in people’s daily work and lives.