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Watch: 'BizTalk' – Emerging markets steering new chapter in global economic landscape


Watch: 'BizTalk' – Emerging markets steering new chapter in global economic landscape

At this year's St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, China-Russia cooperation took center stage, covering areas such as the Northern Sea Route, urban development and agriculture. CGTN's Aaron Liu interviews Alexey Chekunkov, Russian minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, to explore how this partnership is set to bring profound transformation to regional and global economies. In addition, as emerging markets gain increasing influence on the global economic stage, economic and trade cooperation among these countries has also become a hot topic. Liu also talks with Ben Joubert, director of the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperations and Hala Helmy Elsaid, minister of Planning and Economic Development in Egypt, to delve into the scale of trade and investment among emerging markets and the opportunities for multifaceted cooperation.

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Watch: 'BizTalk' – Emerging markets steering new chapter in global economic landscape


At this year's St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, China-Russia cooperation took center stage, covering areas such as the Northern Sea Route, urban development and agriculture. CGTN's Aaron Liu interviews Alexey Chekunkov, Russian minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, to explore how this partnership is set to bring profound transformation to regional and global economies. In addition, as emerging markets gain increasing influence on the global economic stage, economic and trade cooperation among these countries has also become a hot topic. Liu also talks with Ben Joubert, director of the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperations and Hala Helmy Elsaid, minister of Planning and Economic Development in Egypt, to delve into the scale of trade and investment among emerging markets and the opportunities for multifaceted cooperation.