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Lion dances – a traditional Chinese custom popular in Malaysia


A lion dance performance attracts crowds of onlookers at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 18, 2024. /CFP
A lion dance performance attracts crowds of onlookers at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 18, 2024. /CFP

A lion dance performance attracts crowds of onlookers at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 18, 2024. /CFP

An underwater lion dance is performed at an aquarium at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 4, 2024. /CFP
An underwater lion dance is performed at an aquarium at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 4, 2024. /CFP

An underwater lion dance is performed at an aquarium at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 4, 2024. /CFP

A lion dance performance is held at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 4, 2024. /CFP
A lion dance performance is held at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 4, 2024. /CFP

A lion dance performance is held at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 4, 2024. /CFP

Lion dances are a traditional Chinese folk custom that has spread around the world. In Malaysia, this folk custom is not only widely practiced, but has also made great progress thanks to the efforts of several generations of Chinese inheritors.

Long considered a symbol of luck and good fortune, lion dance performances can be seen during the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and other traditional Chinese celebrations. Many local Chinese elementary schools offer lion dance classes, and many of the young people who have been performing lion dance since childhood continue the practice later in life.

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