DPRK says it has developed hydrogen bomb ready for ICBM
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has developed a hydrogen bomb which can be mounted on a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Pyongyang's state news agency KCNA claimed on Sunday.
KCNA released pictures of DPRK's leader Kim Jong Un inspecting what it said was a new hydrogen bomb, without specifying the date of the event.
KCNA Photo

KCNA Photo

KCNA Photo

KCNA Photo

The hydrogen bomb is "a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated even at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack according to strategic goals," reported KCNA. 
The announcement came amid heightened tensions after the DPRK fired an intermediate-range ballistic missile, which flew over the northern territory of Japan, last week.
It also came after the country test fired two ICBMs in July, resulting in a resolution adopted last month by the United Nations Security Council imposing more sanctions on Pyongyang.
People watch as coverage of an ICBM missile test is displayed on a screen in a public square in Pyongyang on July 29, 2017.  /AFP Photo

People watch as coverage of an ICBM missile test is displayed on a screen in a public square in Pyongyang on July 29, 2017.  /AFP Photo

On Sunday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe discussed the situation with US President Donald Trump by phone and they agreed to further increase pressure on the DPRK. 
The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of "close cooperation" between the US, Japan and the ROK in the face of the "growing threat" from the DPRK, the White House said in a statement. 