What is the CPC like at local level?

2017-10-09 11:58 GMT+8

Updated 2017-10-09 19:51 GMT+8
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The Communist Party of China (CPC) has a Central Committee, it also has a whole series of other levels – right down to small grass-root Party cells.

So where do these cells operate?

Grass-root cells can be found in government institutions, factories, villages, army units and even joint ventures between Chinese and foreign companies. 

A local Party branch can be set up with just three full Party members, according to the CPC’s Constitution.

Local CPC cells can be found across China. /CGTN Photo 

These local cells answer to higher Party organizations. But responsibility also flows in the other direction, with higher Party organizations expected to get feedback and respond to concerns from local cells.

As the CPC’s Constitution lays out: “Higher Party organizations shall pay constant attention to the views of lower organizations and the rank-and-file Party members, and solve in good time the problems they raise.”

And what do the cells actually do?

Responsibilities of the local cells include organizing Party activities and carrying out the Party’s instructions and policies at the local level; collecting fees from Party members; recruiting and training new members; and generally representing and defending the interests of the people in their communities.

There are more than 4.5 million local CPC cells in China. /CGTN Photo

As such, local Party branches serve not only as a foundation for the Party but also as an important link between the Party and the people.

Currently, there are more than 4.5 million local Party cells around the country.

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