Explore Beijing's Street Food: Qianmen Street
Located at the central axis of Beijing City, Qianmen Street is a famous pedestrian street for shopping and sightseeing.
Qianmen Street is a symbol of genuine local culture. It has many of China's time-honored brands, including Quanjude, a Chinese restaurant known for its Peking roast duck. Visitors can enjoy a traditional Chinese way of life here.
What can you eat for ten U.S. dollars (around 70 RMB) on Qianmen Street? Follow a CGTN reporter and find out.
In the video, the reporter tasted the Tanghulu, Beijing sliced duck, fried liver, and the famous drink, fermented mung bean milk.
Just like the video showed, although the fermented mung bean milk is said to help with blood vessel dilation, increase appetite, facilitate digestion and eliminate toxins, not everybody can stomach its strong taste.
In addition to the food, the reporter had a try at folk culture, such as sugar figure blowing art, a traditional Chinese form of folk art using hot, liquid sugar to create three-dimensional figures.
The food and the experiences at Qianmen are much more than that. Click on the video to see the full report.
Follow CGTN and explore the delicious street food in China, and only for ten dollars.
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(Cover image made by Du Chenxin.)