Search for the remains of nine students begins after Sewol ferry moved onto land

2017-04-11 20:26 GMT+8 1049km to Beijing
Editor Liu Hui
The search for the remains of the nine missing people that may still be inside the sunken Sewol ferry will start early next week as the operation to raise the ferry and bring it ashore was completed, Yonhap News Agency reported on Tuesday.
Engineers finished moving the Sewol into a dry dock at the port of Mokpo as of 3:58 p.m. local time, said Lee Cheol-jo, chief of the salvage operation at a press conference. “We will first check the exterior condition of the hull tomorrow and go on cleaning and disinfecting it, and then carry out safety checks on the following day,” he added.
Divers will keep looking for any remains that may be at the bottom of the sea where the ferry sank.
The Sewol ferry sank in waters off South Korea’s southwestern coast on April 16, 2014, killing 304 people on board. The operation to raise the Sewol began on March 22. The ferry was lifted out of the water and put on transport vessel on March 25, and arrived in port on March 31.
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