French election: Two very different futures for the EU
By Li Xiang

2017-05-07 11:04 GMT+8

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In front of the two candidates of the French election, centrist Emmanuel Macron and populist Marine Le Pen, there are various problems including a weak economy, refugees, terrorism, and a vulnerable French relationship with the EU.
If Le Pen wins, the plan for France would be simple: a divorce from the EU, leaving no questions other than when and how. If Macron wins, he will step onto an uneven road and face greater challenges.
"If Marine Le Pen wins the presidency, the financial market will regard it as a crisis signal of French politics, which makes sense. As the interest rate may rise again, France will find it difficult to raise funds in the financial market for paying off debt,” said Professor Dominique Reynie from Paris Institute of Political studies.
"If Macron wins, it will be conducive to European integration. However, no matter if his opinions are good or bad, he only represents one country in the bloc. On the issue of European integration, it is important for Macron and other decision makers to cooperate and adopt a common stance,” said Professor Nicolas Sauger from the same institute.
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