MOFA: Resolving Korean nuclear issue needs all parties’ wisdom and efforts
By Huang Xinwei

2017-04-28 18:30 GMT+8

China has made great contributions towards resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson Geng Shuang said on Friday, adding that to solve the issue needs “collective wisdom and efforts.”
‍Geng said that China plays a constantly important role in the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. As the chair of Six-Party talks, China's presidency led to the "9.19 Joint Statement," guidelines commonly accepted by all the parties as the blueprint for denuclearization on the peninsula.
In response to a question about China being asked by certain countries to further pressure the DPRK during an open ministerial meeting held by the UN Security Council on Friday, Geng emphasized that China is neither the focus of the contradiction, nor the key of the solution, and never upgrades the escalation of tensions.
Geng said China urged all parties to take responsibility and play their due roles in resolving the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, and safeguarding peace and stability in Northeast Asia.
The dual-track approach as well as the suspension-for-suspension proposal that China has put forward has recently received more and more support and understanding from other countries, Geng said, adding that any constructive comments are welcomed.
Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is at UN Headquarters attending a ministerial meeting on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue held by the UN Security Council on Friday.
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