Drama 'Du Fu': A patriotic poet’s worry, persistence, and love
Updated 16:38, 27-Aug-2019
Jiang Qingrui

Starring veteran actor Feng Yuanzheng, Bao Dazhi and a group of young actors from Beijing People’s Art Theatre, the drama "Du Fu" hit the Capital Theatre early this month, telling the story of Du Fu, a patriot and one of the greatest poets in the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

It takes the audience two-and-a-half hours to watch the drama, but for the playwright Guo Qihong, the writing took more than 10 years. During the creation, he read 187 books about Du Fu, and the draft has changed 10 times. Even now, the script still faces occasional revision.

Feng Yuanzheng plays on stage. /CGTN Photo

Feng Yuanzheng plays on stage. /CGTN Photo

After the writing phase, the play was handed over Feng Yuanzheng. Feng not only plays the leading role of Du Fu, he's also the director. For him, the two-month rehearsal is intense and tiring. CGTN interviewed Feng to learn more about the rise and fall of Du Fu, as well as the artistic creation of each character on stage.

Worries and joys in hardship

Throughout his lifetime, Du Fu barely won recognition from the court. Being honest and frank, he often offended the nobility, so he could never truly win favorable social standing.

According to Feng, the details in the drama reflected Du Fu's poor living conditions. For example, when his friend Su Huan comes to see him, Su brings wine. Du says he also has wine, but actually he doesn't. Du wishes his wife to prepare some side dishes for them, but there is barely any food in the kitchen. Su offers peanuts as snacks. With wine and snacks from his friend, Du talks about life and political goals.

Bao Dazhi (L), who plays Su Huan, and Feng Yuanzheng perform in the drama "Du Fu." /CGTN Photo

Bao Dazhi (L), who plays Su Huan, and Feng Yuanzheng perform in the drama "Du Fu." /CGTN Photo

"These details are enough for you to see," said Feng. "In this case, he still has an ambition, wants to join politics and speak for the people."

But it doesn't mean the whole drama is melancholic. The poet's optimism is captured by the plot. For example, Du recites one of his own poems, and says gladly, "Good poem! No one can write such a poem like I can! How did I possibly come up with it?" The line made the audience laugh, as Du's self-confidence and ambition has a hint of self-mockery.

"In this play, although Du Fu's life is bitter, there's joy in it. I used many details to show his quest for joy in poverty," Feng said.

Zhang Pei (L), who plays Du Fu's wife Yang, performs with Feng Yuanzheng. /CGTN Photo

Zhang Pei (L), who plays Du Fu's wife Yang, performs with Feng Yuanzheng. /CGTN Photo

Besides, the interaction between Du and his wife Yang also adds warmth to the play. Before marrying him, Yang was a lady from a respectable family. But life with Du Fu had been difficult and poor. On the stage, Zhang Pei, who plays Yang, often complains about the poor living conditions and Du Fu’s stubbornness.

"Many people said the wife is not beautiful, but I say that is exactly her beauty. She’s from a noble family and she married Du. Although she's always complaining, she never gives up, or leaves her husband. This is her virtue," said the director.

Modern settings, classic charm

According to the director, instead of making live-action backdrops, the settings are constructed with a set of iron frames, producing the effect of a Chinese classical painting with the use of light and projections. He called it “a breakthrough for Beijing People’s Art Theatre."

"This time I used the line drawing scene, the iron frames, very modern... I think it has the charm of Chinese classical painting," Feng said. "Modern audiences can see that although he is a very sad poet, the scene is poetic and picturesque."

The inheritance for young actors

Except for veteran performers like Feng Yuanzheng, Bao Dazhi, and Liang Danni, most of the characters in this drama are played by young actors and actresses. Some of them even just graduated from college. As a director, Feng is more than willing to give opportunities to young people.

But opportunities go together with strict rules. To help everyone focus on the play, eating, making phone calls, mobile games and irrelevant chatting is not allowed in the rehearsal hall.

Lu lu, who plays Yansanniang, dances on stage. /CGTN Photo

Lu lu, who plays Yansanniang, dances on stage. /CGTN Photo

Guided by the down-to-earth spirit, the young actors are all devoted to rehearsal. Liu Zhiyang, who plays the role of Li Bai, another famous poet, is an online celebrity in real life. On the first day of the rehearsal, his fans brought a lot of flowers and a big sign with his photo on it. Upon seeing it, Liu talked to the fans group to stop sending gifts to the theater. The sign was later put in his room. 

Lu Lu, who played Yan Sanniang, is a proficient dancer. She practiced every day until nine or ten o’clock during the rehearsal period. When Feng asked her why she’s been so devoted, she said she wanted the best side of her presented to the audience.

"Don’t doubt young people without thinking twice," Feng said, "The post-90s have their creativity."

"Once you give them opportunities, they’ll devote themselves into it. This is the precondition to become a good performer."

Director: Jiang Qingrui

Videographer: Song Yawei

Videoeditor: Chen Shuxun

Article written by: Jiang Qingrui

Copy editor: Khushboo Razdan

Chief editor: Xu Jian