2020.03.05 15:53 GMT+8

Chinese experts survey Punjab to help Pakistan with locust plague

Updated 2020.03.05 15:53 GMT+8

Chinese experts are currently conducting a field survey in Pakistan's Punjab Province to help the country deal with the locust plague.

Local authorities have killed six swarms of locusts, but the quick reproduction of the insect remains a major challenge.

A solitary female lays about 50 to 80 eggs a time, according to Chinese experts, and the sandy soil in Punjab makes a perfect environment for locust breeding. 

Since February this year, large swarms of desert locusts flew from East Africa, all the way to the Middle East, then through Pakistan and to western India.

The insect is threatening food security in East Africa and has damaged swaths of crops in Pakistan and India.

The Chinese experts are expected to work with the Pakistani side and provide a locust control plan after the survey.

For more:

Locust outbreak threatens food security in East Africa

Swarming locusts damage crops in Pakistan

India says locust swarms under control after ravaging crops

Locust plague: One of the worst agricultural disasters

UN calls for greater global effort in tackling locust invasion

(Cover image via VCG)

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