Disguise in Nature: A flat resident on the sea floor
By Xu Chenlu

In the animal kingdom, knowing how to disguise oneself is very important. In the dangerous sea where large and fierce predators appear almost everywhere, some fish have thus evolved with a rare strange look to match the sea floor's coloring and bumps. The flat fish is one of the famous residents of the sea floor, for its unique flat body and asymmetrical eyes.

The body. /VCG

The body. /VCG

Flatfish belongs to the order Pleuronectiformes. They are found in oceans worldwide, from Arctic to Antarctica. Most of them live on the sea floors of shallow water, while there are also deep water species.

Information about flatfish. /CGTN Graphic

Information about flatfish. /CGTN Graphic

One of its most distinctive features are its eyes which lie on the same side of the head. The asymmetry is considered a unique among all kinds of fish.

The eyes. /VCG

The eyes. /VCG

In fact, this is a technique to help flatfish to create better camouflage when it is lying on the sea floor. With its flat body and striking colored patterns on it, it could "disappear" in sand, and use both eyes to observe its surroundings.

In disguise. /VCG

In disguise. /VCG

Flatfish have a long history on the Earth. In 2008, a fossil of 50 million years old was identified as an early relative of the flatfish, for both eyes were on one side of the head. These types of fish are considered as dramatic examples of evolutionary adaptations, and also masters of disguise for their talented skill.

About the 'Disguise in Nature' series

Camouflage and mimicry are two ways for creatures to disguise themselves. Disguises can either help them escape danger, or make them perfect predators when hunting.

In this series, we look at several species that are masters of disguise. For each story, there will be a game of hide-and-seek with the introduced species. 

Read more from the 'Disguise in Nature' series:

Disguise in Nature: The colorful 'kung fu masters'

Disguise in Nature: The 'ninja' in sea

Disguise in Nature: The forest's 'night hunter'

Disguise in Nature: The 'hermit' in rainforest

Disguise in Nature: A lively 'leaf' with legs

Disguise in Nature: A famous master of disguise

(Cover image and information image all via VCG, designed by CGTN's Yin Yating)

(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at nature@cgtn.com.)

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