2021.04.04 12:31 GMT+8

Yulan Magnolia flowers bloom in Beijing

Updated 2021.04.04 12:31 GMT+8

Yulan Magnolia flowers are in full bloom in Beijing. They are among the first that bloom in spring. The gardens and streets in the capital city are decorated with the beautiful flowers which smell a bit like lemon. They are native to China and regarded as a symbol of purity by Buddhist monks in the country. The plant can also absorb toxic gases, which makes it an effective air cleanser.

Here are some photos of Yulan Magnolia flowers taken in Beijing. 

About 'City of Wild'

Nature is not limited to faraway mountains and oceans, it also exists in urban cities and our daily lives. In the series, "City of Wild," CGTN not only unfolds a world of wildlife you were probably not aware of, but also highlights the theme of this year's CBD COP 15: Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth.

For more:

City of wild: The cute sparrows in Beijing

City of wild: Inconspicuous birds with really beautiful melodies

City of Wild: Lovely hoopoes in Beijing

City of wild: Milu deer cool off from the Beijing summer

City of Wild: A pair of spotted doves making home in downtown Beijing

City of Wild: Vigilant white-cheeked starlings in Beijing

City of Wild: Hollyhocks bloom in Beijing summer

(All photos are taken by Ding Qian)

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