2021.08.27 17:38 GMT+8

China lodges representations over Japan's 'security talks' with Taiwan

Updated 2021.08.27 21:52 GMT+8

China has lodged solemn representations with Japan over the "security talks" between Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Friday. 

The LDP and the DPP held online "security talks" in a "two-plus-two" form on Friday despite previous warnings from Beijing. 

"Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory," Zhao said at a regular press briefing. "China firmly opposes all forms of official interactions between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic ties with China." 

He stressed that the Taiwan question concerns the political foundation of China-Japan relations, urging Japan to be "prudent with its words and actions" over Taiwan. 

Japan should avoid interfering in China's internal affairs and refrain from sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces, said Zhao. 

China repeatedly voiced opposition against Japan's provocations over the Taiwan question this year. Last month, Beijing blasted Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso's remarks on defending Taiwan together with the United States if the island is "invaded." Zhao described Aso's remarks as "extremely wrong and dangerous."  

In June, China lodged solemn representations with Japan after Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga referred to the Taiwan region as a country. 

(Cover: File photo of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian. /CFP)

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