2024.01.25 09:43 GMT+8

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 9: Grass with nine lives

Updated 2024.01.25 09:43 GMT+8

Chinese ancestors admired Selaginella pulvinata as the "grass with nine lives" as it has a seemingly immortal phenomenon which is referred to as the "resurrection plant" in botany. When exposed to heat for a long time, it curls up the leaves to prevent moisture loss and enters a state of fake death. And when it regains access to water, the lush green gradually returns. Such alternation of life and death goes on for many years. Check out the video to see the magical plant.

About 'Journeys in Nature: Southern Yunling Mountains Series'

Cangshan Mountain and the Yuanjiang River Valley in southwest China's Yunnan Province boast rich biodiversity and distinct flora and fauna. From the tree species that emerged about 60 million years ago high on the precipices to the spurge family in the dry-hot river valley savanna, you can meet diverse wildlife in amazing southern Yunling Mountains. 

For more: 

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 1: Delavay's firs

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 2: Can the 'winged' fruits date?

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 3: Giant freshwater snail

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 4: Rare fish in Erhai Lake

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 5: The sunflowers in the water

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 6: Savanna in China

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 7: 'Hegemon-King's horse-whip'

Southern Yunling Mountains Series Ep. 8: Cradle of 'immortal grass'

(Cover image a video screenshot; video by CGTN Nature film crew)

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