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President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up


China's reform and opening up, which began in 1978, is viewed as a major reason why China is able to catch up with the times, and the key move that determines whether Chinese modernization will succeed.

It has not only changed China but also deeply affected the world and reshaped the country's relations with the world. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to reform and opening up. Here are some of his key quotes from recent years.‬

President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
President Xi's key quotes on reform and opening up
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