Washington and Moscow clash over missile attack on Syrian air base

2017-04-10 11:03 GMT+8
Editor Zheng Chenlei
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says he will pressure Russia in an upcoming meeting in Moscow, for Russia's alleged failure to prevent a suspected chemical attack on a rebel-held village in Syria. 
Tillerson made the remarks during an interview with ABC News. He stopped short of accusing Moscow of complicity, but insisted that the Kremlin was incompetent in preventing the gas attack. 
At least 87 civilians and dozens of children were allegedly killed in the chemical attack. Washington responded by launching more than 50 Tomahawk missiles on one of Damascus' air bases, marking the first time that the US had made a direct intervention in the ongoing civil war. 
The Kremlin condemned the US missile strike, adding that it was a "significant blow" to US-Russia relations.
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