CGTN Nature: Three Parallel Rivers Series | Ep. 5: Balagezong Mountain
Updated 09:32, 03-May-2020

There's a miraculous place in China's southwestern Yunnan Province. When you first come here, you will have a hard time distinguishing the four seasons, and even forget about them on the high-altitude plateau. On Balagezong Mountain, tropical and alpine plants live side by side.

About CGTN Nature

Located in the mountainous southwestern part of China's Yunnan Province, the Three Parallel Rivers Protected Area of Yunnan is a miraculous place full of unknown creatures and landforms. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is described as "the earth's most biologically diverse temperate region." The 12-episode Three Parallel Rivers Series presents you a world that you might have never seen.

For more: 

CGTN Nature: Three Parallel Rivers Series | Ep. 1: Tougher Than Talus

CGTN Nature: Three Parallel Rivers Series | Ep. 2 Deep in Shangri-La

CGTN Nature: Three Parallel Rivers Series | Ep. 3 Medusa Snowrabbiten

CGTN Nature: Three Parallel Rivers Series | Ep. 4: Mingyong Glacier

(Cover image a screenshot from the video)

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