Hidden World of Birds in City: Peaks ended but migration lingers

Editor's note: "Hidden World of Birds in City" is about exploring a world of birds that usually goes unnoticed in urban spaces. This episode features photographs from Wang Xiaobo, who has been bird-watching near his residential community in Beijing for the past eight years.

After witnessing the unprecedent spike two days ago since Wang began his bird-watching "career", he predicts that the migration might shrink both in number and variety of birds from this point on, but it won't completely disappear as some small-sized birds are still trying to catch the late train.

Wang took another brief look in his community yesterday and was still taken by some surprises. 

Stejneger's stonechat.

Stejneger's stonechat.

Olive-backed pipit.

Olive-backed pipit.

Green sandpiper.

Green sandpiper.

Green sandpiper.

Green sandpiper.

Oriental turtle dove.

Oriental turtle dove.

Oriental turtle dove.

Oriental turtle dove.

Sparrows are catching insects to feed the chicks.

Sparrows are catching insects to feed the chicks.

Sparrows are catching insects to feed the chicks.

Sparrows are catching insects to feed the chicks.

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