2023.09.12 19:31 GMT+8

Lijiang Series Ep. 10: The herb culture of a Yunnan ethnic group

Updated 2023.09.12 19:31 GMT+8

Known as "home of Yunnan medicines," Lijiang City in southwest China's Yunnan Province boasts over 2,000 kinds of medicinal plants. For the Naxi people living there, the medicinal plants are an essential part of their life as they are widely used in everyday life. When having some minor illnesses such as headache and fever, they usually treat them with boiled herbs as their ancestors did. In addition to medicinal use, the plants are used to make the Dongba paper which can remain intact for hundreds of years. Banlangen, a popular herb, is used to dye white clothes. Check out the video to learn more.

About 'Journeys in Nature': Lijiang Series

"Plant kingdom" and the "home of Yunnan medicines" are among the nicknames given to a famous city in southwest China's Yunnan Province – Lijiang. Not only are the numerous plant species a calling card, but the city is also well-known for its towering peaks and mysterious animals. In this series, CGTN Nature unveils the mysteries of a city full of surprises.

For more:

Lijiang Series Ep. 1: What else is there except billion-year-old fern?

Lijiang Series Ep. 2: The orchid that resembles ladies' slippers

Lijiang Series Ep. 3: Milky river on the plateau

Lijiang Series Ep. 4: A garden in the air!

Lijiang Series Ep. 5: Encounter with reclusive pheasants in primitive forest

Lijiang Series Ep. 6: Lugu lake

Lijiang Series Ep. 7: The Mountain Circling Festival

Lijiang Series Ep. 8: Dongba symbols – hieroglyphs related to nature

Lijiang Series Ep. 9: Inspired by a bird

(Cover image a video screenshot; video by the CGTN Nature film crew)

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