Rex Tillerson: US seeks direct talks with DPRK, China’s help on nuclear issue
By Huang Xinwei

2017-04-28 21:20 GMT+8

The US will not rule out direct dialogue with the DPRK over its nuclear weapon program, said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday in his first interview with National Public Radio.
Tillersons’ interview came after the US President Donald Trump warned a "major, major conflict" between the two countries was "absolutely" possible.
According to the released transcript of the interview scheduled to air Friday, when asking about whether they want direct talks with the DPRK, Tillerson said, “obviously, that would be the way we would like to solve this.”
Tillerson said that the DPRK has to decide they're ready to talk to the US about the right agenda, adding “that’s been the agenda for the last 20 years.”
He also confirmed that the US has the same goal as that of China, which holds the position of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
While talking about his attempt to work with China on the Korean Peninsula, Tillerson said the US wants China’s help. He said, “if they believe for their own reasons they cannot help, then if they'll just let us know, we'll take that into consideration as we go forward.”
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson Geng Shuang at a regular news briefing on Friday.
On the same day, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said China is aware of Tillerson’s stance and the positive message he conveyed.
Geng said that China encouraged all parties involved to enhance communication all the time, and uphold the goal of realizing denuclearization on the peninsula through dialogue and consultation.
All parties should take full advantage of the UN's open ministerial meeting on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue held on Friday, added Geng.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet his US counterpart Tillerson during the meeting in New York.
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