Hidden World of Birds in City: Aiming to create a new record high

Editor's note: "Hidden World of Birds in City" is about exploring a world of birds that usually goes unnoticed in urban spaces. This episode features photographs from Wang Xiaobo, who has been bird-watching near his residential community in Beijing for the past eight years.

As of May 15, Wang Xiaobo has recorded 92 species of birds in Beijing, and the number continues to rise slowly yet at a steady pace. In 2020, the best year according to Wang's experience, he counted 147 avian species, of which 109 were recorded in May 2020. Although it's hard to say whether this year will outnumber last year's extraordinary score, the current momentum looks promising since a flock comprising of over 200 birds of prey was observed on Sunday right after its peak time. Another flock comprising 600 was seen flying five days ago.

Green-backed flycatcher.

Green-backed flycatcher.

Green-backed flycatcher.

Green-backed flycatcher.

Black-crowned night heron.

Black-crowned night heron.

Black-crowned night heron.

Black-crowned night heron.

Black-crowned night heron.

Black-crowned night heron.

Taiga flycatcher.

Taiga flycatcher.

Common sandpiper, a new record in Wang's community bird-watching.

Common sandpiper, a new record in Wang's community bird-watching.

White wagtail.

White wagtail.

White wagtail.

White wagtail.

A Japanese sparrowhawk.

A Japanese sparrowhawk.

Crested honey buzzard flock.

Crested honey buzzard flock.

Crested honey buzzard flock.

Crested honey buzzard flock.

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