Editor's note: "Hidden World of Birds in City" is about exploring a world of birds that usually goes unnoticed in urban spaces. This episode features photographs from Wang Xiaobo, who has been bird-watching near his residential community in Beijing for the past eight years.
It's never easy to be a parent and the rule applies to almost every animal. To ensure its chicks to grow up in a safe environment, the little grebe has to be on guard 24 hours a day. Searching for food, building a new nest to keep the family away from stray cats, entertaining its children by being a ferry... are just part of the parent's daily duty. Watch the video below showing the mother busy constructing a temporary nest for the family to stay at night as the original one is too close to the bank due to the declined water level.
Little grebe's family.
Little grebe's family.
Little grebe's family.
The plain laughingthrush couple that has settled down in Wang's community this year. This is the first time that both the male and female were photographed in the same frame.
The plain laughingthrush couple that has settled down in Wang's community this year. This is the first time that both the male and female were photographed in the same frame.
White-cheeked starling.
White-cheeked starling.
Grey wagtail.
More from 'Hidden World of Birds in City':
Hidden World of Birds in City: New life, new hope
Hidden World of Birds in City: Aiming to create a new record high
Hidden World of Birds in City: Peaks ended but migration lingers
Hidden World of Birds in City: New migration peak
Hidden World of Birds in City: Beauty captured on the way
Hidden World of Birds in City: Catching the train of late spring
Hidden World of Birds in City: Welcome back
Hidden World of Birds in City: Birds in blossom
Hidden World of Birds in City: A busy pond
Hidden World of Birds in City: Highlights
Hidden World of Birds in City: Air predators
Hidden World of Birds in City: Migratory birds
Hidden World of Birds in City: The birds awaken
(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at nature@cgtn.com.)